Leo & Bonnie | Seasoned Love | Inkom Idaho Photographer by Lizzy Crowell

  1. Leo and Bonnie Lewis says:

    You are nothing but amazing, Lizzy! You had already gone far and above what was expected. And now this far exceeds just the icing on the cake. We sense your love after our relatively brief encounter and appreciate more than words can tell the beautifully written story of our lives. You have touched us deeply and we will be forever grateful for your generosity and selfless service in telling such an emotional account of the history of our home and of our eternal love for each other, our children and posterity. Thank you sooooo MUCH!

  2. Cori says:

    I’m One of Leo and Bonnie‘S granddaughters. Thank you so much for writing this beautiful blog post about my grandparents and their story. The Inkom house was such an important part of my childhood. I have so, so many happy memories there of sledding down the mountain, exploring the back fields, and receiving my first ever inspiration for writing! i’m so happy for my grandma and grandpa to be sharing new adventures where they can both be happy and free, but letting go of the place I’ve loved so much for so many years is a little bittersweet. this post really means so much to all of us as kind of a last farewell to a place that has been engraved in all of our hearts. And thank you also for the beautiful pictures that I can show to my daughter and tell her our family’s stories. 

    • lizzy says:

      Thank you so much for your comment. I really enjoyed my time with your grandparents and I am thrilled that this has given some kind of closure! My grandparents also had special places (a ranch and a cabin) and saying goodbye to those was so difficult. I was more than honored to capture this for your family!

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